NBC is Leading Example of the Dishonest Reality Show Media Masquerading as ‘The News’

Today I’m sharing yet another huge example of the degree of dishonesty from the reality show media masquerading as the “news”…In this case I’m specifically referring to NBC and their “nightly news” broadcast…

It is inexcusable that while they finally do report tonight that the CDC has recently stated that the number of infected people nationwide who have had or currently have Covid-19 is TEN TIMES HIGHER than has been reported thus far, in their reporting of this, they choose to falsely spin this fact as a frightening scary statistic, when the scientific and objective truth is the EXACT OPPOSITE…

This fact is calming wonderful news that proves that the mortality rate – the ‘death rate’ – is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE LOWER than what NBC and other ‘reality show media’ sources like CNN have been falsely reporting for months now.

In other words, when you have TEN TIMES the number of people who are or have been infected – many if not most of them completely unaware – that means the death rate is TEN TIMES LOWER!! That is cause for celebration, and it is huge proof that this new virus is not at all that deadly as the media has tried to portray it from the beginning.

And the other very important thing to remember is that this fact I’m sharing with you here has been KNOWN AND REPORTED FOR MONTHS already by leading medical experts, but the mainstream media has been willfully refusing to report on it…Why? Because you need to understand that the word ‘NEWS’ has been replaced with the word ‘NARRATIVE’.

We don’t have honest objective news anymore. We have a ‘tribal media narrative’ that has an agenda behind that narrative, and journalism is virtually non-existent.  90% of the mainstream media is currently owned and controlled by SIX MEGA CORPORATIONS! We have to change that. (By the way, guess who 70% of the advertisers are on the cable news channels?  Big pharmaceuticals (the ‘pharmaceutical industrial complex’) pushing their drugs.

This has been allowed to happen because of massive corruption and collusion between our elected representatives and those few giant corporations, who have paid off those elected officials so that the antitrust laws we have that are designed to prevent such monopoly control are NEVER enforced.

Our country in effect is becoming “The United CORPORATIONS of America”, and those united giant monopolizing corporations number a lot less than even 50, so we may have to go back to the 13 stars on the flag again, if not even less!

On my monthly cable TV show, I have repeatedly shown the clips from several leading medical experts saying this, and I’ve included their quotes in my articles for my editorial blog – INCLUDING DR. FAUCI HIMSELF, who wrote about this very fact back in March of this year in the New England Journal of Medicine…

Fauci wrote to his colleagues that when you take into account the fact that likely SEVERAL TIMES the number of people nationwide have the virus than are being reported, the death rate for the corona virus is COMPARABLE TO THE FLU.

But did NBC or CNN or PBS or ABC or CBS or even FOX NEWS for that matter…Did any of them report this news to you? OF COURSE NOT, and that is beyond shameful…This is why I like to say that what we need is ‘MEDIA DISTANCING’ more than anything else.

All of this has been hugely exaggerated to create unnecessary panic and fear, for generating ratings and for political reasons. I cannot believe the large number of ‘germaphobes’ we have on the Left, who are acting like scared babies and want to believe all of this media fear-mongering!

The truth is NOT being reported to you in the so called ‘news’, but so many people are just weak minded sheep allowing themselves to believe whatever they hear on their favorite cable channel.

From the beginning, the reality show media decided that their coverage of Covid-19 would be significantly LESS about science and the journalistic truth, and it would be used as a convenient ‘political football’ of sorts.

So to repeat…Finally last night, NBC reports that the CDC has stated that TEN TIMES the number of Americans have had or currently have the virus than has been reported…That is nothing but fantastic news, not scary news at all…DUHHHHHH!

But instead, the mainstream media falsely spins this to scare you the viewer, without telling you that such a fact actually also means the death rate is TEN TIMES LOWER…(Again, just as Dr. Fauci wrote back in March, this proves that this virus is comparable to the flu, and you don’t ‘contain’ the flu.)

We don’t shut the country down and force small mom and pops to close their small businesses, and cause tens of millions to lose their jobs and entire livelihoods, all over a virus that has a death rate comparable or likely even LOWER than the flu. This is LUDICROUS!

Maybe you can run a stupid communist totalitarian country such as China like that, but you don’t run a free and independent democracy like that. Yet, we are doing just that, completely out of bull shit fear-based thinking, all primarily manipulated by the bull shit that is masquerading as the nightly news on cable outlets like NBC.

NORMAL FLU PRECAUTIONS are all that have been needed, and those who are in the at risk group need to be extra cautious…They were always the ones who need to be focused on with the stay at home orders, etc.

It is mind blowing and beyond shameful that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo personally ORDERED infected senior citizens to be sent back to their nursing homes against the loud protests of those nursing homes, back at the onset of their huge outbreak, subsequently resulting in more than THIRTY PERCENT of the overall deaths in New York from Covid-19! But did NBC or CNN or any of the mainstream media outlets report on this…OF COURSE NOT!! This is a ‘SHOW’ with a ‘SCRIPT’ and an ‘AGENDA’, not journalism!

The media has been hugely dishonest about this from day one, and is trying to generate nationwide ‘germaphobia’ in order to facilitate changing our country into something that is shamefully unrecognizable from what our forefathers intended.

It’s time to wake up everyone, and take this country back from not just the corrupt politicians who serve the 1%, but we have to take back the manipulative reality show news media that is OWNED by that very 1% also, and who have become nothing but puppets for them and their agenda of total control, and for you and I being completely dependent on and totally under their control.

The simple truth is that it is just as OK if you catch this corona virus as it is OK if you catch the flu…

The CDC has ALWAYS said from the beginning that the vast majority of people who catch the virus will have MILD SYMPTOMS at most, or not even know they had it! But the bull shit reality show media keeps reporting on this in such a way that makes everyone panic, and tries to make everyone think that if they get the corona virus they will likely be hospitalized and very likely could die.

The OPPOSITE is the scientific truth: If you get it, the vast majority will either have very mild symptoms or not even know they had it! That is clearly not what the mainstream media is putting out there to their viewers on a daily basis, because to do so would not be conducive to RATINGS!

Remember, in 2017/2018, the CDC reported that 80,000 people died from the flu…And it was the SAME at risk group who died from the flu, for the SAME reason as the at risk group who die from the corona virus…They were very old and/or had serious immune system deficiencies, and the flu turned into pneumonia for them, and they died from complications of pneumonia.

That is the same thing that happens for the similar number of those who die from this new virus, but the reality show media doesn’t want you to understand this…

FEAR = MONEY, RATINGS AND CONTROL for the reality show ‘news’…They are puppets for the agenda of those who own them, and truth doesn’t fit their plan and their agenda of total control and we the people being totally dependent on them.

Again, it is time to wake up! And I say that as an honest Liberal who is just as sick about what is happening in the Democratic party as many honest Republicans are sick about what has happened to their party, having been hijacked by the dishonest and hypocritical ‘Trump cult’.

Connie Bryan


(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the host and producer of “The Connie Bryan Show” airing in 14 cable markets nationwide, including Washington D.C. Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan.)



What we really need is MEDIA DISTANCING! We have no legitimate source for unbiased news, and the media only broadcasts a political narrative full of hype and BS related to Covid-19 and the upcoming election…it is really bad on BOTH sides of the aisle.

That said, I was particularly nauseated by Fox News this morning when the ‘idiot in the tank’ for Trump started saying that those who want to reform the problems in law enforcement were people who wanted to only send ‘social workers’ to a violent domestic dispute.

This is the typical, deliberate dishonest narrative model we see now on what masquerades as ‘news’…Unfortunately there are so many SHEEP on BOTH sides of the political aisle, Republican and Democrat alike, who all just ‘BAHHHHHHHH’ away and eat up all that dishonest narrative, as long as it caters to their hate for the other side.

As many of you know, I have detailed many specific reforms that are desperately needed in law enforcement, having been there on the job and seen firsthand how corrupt MOST of it is…It is not full of good people who see themselves as public servants for all citizens equally.

Those are the rare exception to the rule. If you are one of those in law enforcement, you struggle to keep your job, and often you keep your mouth shut when you see the abuse of power and the bigotry from your fellow cops. I was unwilling to keep my mouth shut and I’ve shared not even the tip of the iceberg about my personal experience in this area.

Back to the stupid dishonest comment on Fox ‘News’ I referenced above…Those of us who reasonably want to reform policing in America, and know how to do it….We obviously DO NOT want to make it weak, or replace the cops with ‘social workers’. Duhhhh! You can reform policing for the communities they serve, and keep ‘peace keeping’ strong and effective in the process. Double Duhhhhh!!

But those on the right who want to protect their long established ‘good ole boy system’ want to dishonestly spin our call for police reform in a way that misleads the viewers of these right wing BS ‘news’ channels, and makes them think they should leave things just as they are or their city will become a violent war zone, blah blah blah.

As I have recently written about in a very detailed way (check out my editorial blog at conniebryan.com), part of the long overdue reform that is needed in policing is replacing the supervision of the police with their REAL BOSS, ‘WE THE PEOPLE’…

“The citizens ARE the police”, as the ‘father of modern policing’ Sir Robert Peel is famous for saying a long time ago (he was also a Prime Minister of the United Kingdom).

When police chiefs and supervision of all cops is changed to be handled entirely by a Citizen Commission and a non-career cop ‘Citizen Police Chief’ or elected Sheriff who serves as one member of a 12 member board of citizens…

When that model replaces the current corrupt ‘US AGAINST THEM’ good ole’ boy model that has been in place for too long now, then and only then will we get the reforms our diverse citizenry needs. And this reform has nothing to do with WEAKENING the police or wanting to replace them with ‘social workers’ to respond to domestic violence calls or other such dangerous calls for service!

Those on the right who want to protect the good ole boy system that is currently commonplace in virtually every police department nationwide, they know what I am saying here, and they try to ‘bastardize’ this message to fit their agenda of scaring the sh#t out of everyone in order to avoid such changes…much like the left wing media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc) has shamefully HYPED the Covid-19 issue into what I like to call a “PANIC-demic” in order to scare all of their sheep into believing all of their political narrative that pretends to be ‘news’.

Do we need MORE social workers riding along on patrol with the police, and as part of the police on every shift in every community, and being there to help quell dangerous domestic disputes? OF COURSE, and I have said that in prior opeds on this topic. But that obviously doesn’t mean REPLACING the cops with them.

The police have gotten far off course and far away in their mindset, in understanding that they are there to SERVE ALL CITIZENS, and they are to understand that ALL of those citizens: black, brown, purple or white… ALL of those citizens are their boss, more so than the Chief of Police or the Sheriff on their agency.

Right now, the police are becoming very scared because they do not want their precious elite good ole boy system changed, and they see the handwriting on the wall that it is going to be changed.

Does former Vice President Joe Biden want to DISMANTLE the police? OF COURSE NOT! Does he agree that some departments may need some ‘defunding’ or ‘funding re-prioritizing’ because of their growing inappropriate use of funds to buy TANKS, AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT VEHICLES, and TACTICAL NUKES (OK, I’m exaggerating with the tactical nukes, but you get the point. They are in a ‘military mindset’ with the citizenry they are supposed to be serving, not ruling over).

And by the way, when we support these kinds of changes to bring the police ‘to heel’ using various methods to achieve needed reform, and when we support ‘Black Lives Matter’, that does not mean we are ‘MARXISTS’…Again, DUHHHH!

Reforming not just our nation’s policing model, but our government in general by replacing it with a model that PRIORITIZES the 99%, instead of the current model that PRIORITIZES and SERVES the giant corporations and the 1%, that is not ‘Marxism’.

That is the DEMOCRATIC IDEAL that our forefathers intended for this nation, that has been perverted by the uber wealthy for too long now!

And they are starting to feel the heat as we approach the next Presidential election because ‘WE the PEOPLE’ are finally beginning to wake up, and TIMES ARE CHANGING!

Remember what I said, what we really need is ‘MEDIA DISTANCING’ and we need to stop being such fear-mongering, germaphobic SHEEP.

Connie Bryan

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA. She is also the host and producer of “The Connie Bryan Show”, airing monthly in 15 cable markets nationwide including Washington D.C. Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan.)




Calling for DISBANDING of the Police is not ‘WOKE’…It’s ‘WHACKED’!

It’s one thing to recognize the need for long overdue revolutionary change involving an entire OVERHAUL of the policing system in our communities as I have consistently detailed (See my most recent article on my blog entitled ‘Time for a Completely New Law Enforcement Model’ at conniebryan.com)…

It’s another thing to believe in unicorns and call for the DISBANDING of the police in our communities. That’s when those on the far left become the WORST ENEMY of not just themselves with such infantile ignorance, but the worst enemy to Liberals in general. (I say this as a moderate Liberal myself)

As I’ve said before, I monitor the ‘reality show media’ that masquerades as the ‘news’ on both sides, which means I have to hold my nose especially tight when I tune in to content on Fox News. But every now and then they impress me with a little truth coming through (especially in their more accurate coverage of the Corona virus ‘panic-demic’) despite their shameful non-stop ‘Trump Cult’ script.

Tonight, I heard one of their regular anchors make a very good point regarding this current ignorant trend of people starting to call for disbanding the police. She reminded the viewers about the ‘heirarchy of needs’ most of us first learned about in elementary school, and how the very first level at the bottom of the pyramid was ‘SECURITY’.

A couple of days ago, the President of the Minneapolis City Council announced that the council HAD VOTED TO DEFUND the Minneapolis Police Department, and was considering DISBANDING it. (Listen, we get the government we deserve, both at a local level and the national level…Mind numbing levels of ignorance elected this woman, and the others on the council who voted with her in order to be seen as ‘WOKE’ right now)

Many of you may have seen the bizarre clip from her recent interview by an anchor on a local news channel. The anchor simply asked her if the police were to be disbanded, what should people do if their house is being broken into?…Who should they call?

Her absolutely ‘mentally challenged’ answer was to tell the anchor that she had heard this question from some of her friends, and that such a concern ‘COMES FROM A PLACE OF WHITE PRIVILEGE’. (Insert your choice of either the theme from ‘LOONEY TUNES’ or the ‘TWILIGHT ZONE’ here.)

We are supposed to think that spoiled white people are the only ones who need to feel safe in their communities by knowing the police will come help them if their home is broken into? Are you kidding me??

First of all, those well to do, ‘privileged’ white people she is referring to…they have the resources that most other people, especially most other less fortunate minorities don’t have, and that is to be able to hire private armed security patrols for their gated communities.

So the opposite is actually the truth…DUHHH!!

The truth is, the vast majority of us know that we need a properly led, properly trained, albeit redesigned and overhauled police department to respond to 911 emergencies in our communities, not the least of which is someone breaking into our home…which WOULD become much more tempting of a prospect for bad guys who learn to their utter joy that the police had been DISBANDED…or even just ‘defunded’ for that matter, if such defunding meant a reduction in officers able to respond to calls for service.

Again, this kind of stupidity and infantile ignorance on the far left is the worst enemy of Progressives who start off correctly understanding that there is a dire need for major change in our country, and for We the People to finally stand up together and take our country back from the corrupt, monopoly partnership between government and mega-corporations, but then they shoot themselves in the head, figuratively speaking, with such utter DUMB ASSERY!

We need the police to be PROPERLY strong, PROPERLY trained, and ALWAYS READY to take care of business with real criminals who unfortunately will always need to be apprehended.

But as my recent article, ‘Time for a Completely New Law Enforcement Model’ explains, we are long overdue to replace the current corrupt model with one that is CITIZEN RUN from the top down, with a Citizen Oversight Commission, and sworn citizens who ride on patrol on EVERY squad and EVERY shift, keeping the cops accountable every day.

Yes, maybe you defund some departments who have gone off the rails in excessively militarizing themselves, like some who apparently have been using excess funding to purchase TANKS and other ridiculous military assault vehicles, etc.

But you don’t defund the police so that citizens’ safety and security is diminished in any way. You don’t want to call 911 and hear an annoying tone, followed by:


Connie Bryan

*See my recent article ‘Time for a COMPLETELY NEW Law Enforcement Model’ on my blog at conniebryan.com

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer and host of “The Connie Bryan Show” airing in 15 cable markets nationwide including Washington D.C. Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan.)




Time for a COMPLETELY NEW Law Enforcement Model

At the beginning here, let me make something critically clear: Nothing is going to change…Let me repeat that…NOTHING is going to change with the culture of racism, bigotry and abuse of power in law enforcement, unless the protests and angry citizens’ voices are SUSTAINED LONG ENOUGH to force an entire revolutionary overhaul to the longstanding current corrupt, ‘US AGAINST THEM’ model of law enforcement. And as I have done before, in this article I am once again going to detail those exact changes that must be implemented to finally end that corrupt police culture.

But before I do, I want to address some of the weak link traits of Progressives and those generally on the Left who, when we have seen these countless, repetitive abuse of power injustices by the police in the recent past, they start off strong demanding ‘change’ for a week at the most, and then get bored and lose interest.

I heard a reporter mention how when a group of protesters on behalf of George Floyd were recently asked to describe their anger, they quickly denied any ‘anger’ at all, and told him everyone was just ‘passionate’. You’ve got to be kidding me!

That kind of ‘fakeness’…That kind of obsession on the Left with ‘political correctness’ over truth is what actually makes Progressives and Liberals their OWN WORSE ENEMY in effecting the change that We the People desperately need to create in America, now more than ever before.

I am prior law enforcement, having served as a deputy sheriff in Florida, and I was an NCO in the U.S. Air Force Security Police. The reason I left law enforcement was entirely due to the corrupt, unethical abuse of power and deeply entrenched racism and bigotry that I witnessed on a daily basis by most others I had to work with on the job, and whose mindsets were in direct opposition to mine.

I could see what desperately needed to be changed in the culture of law enforcement then, and that was years ago. It’s only gotten worse ever since.

I have addressed this topic in specific detail on multiple occasions, especially not long ago here in Sacramento after the death of Stefan Clark, an unarmed black youth who was needlessly shot to death while surrendering and holding his cell phone on a misdemeanor call.

Sadly now, with yet another senseless death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week, and others across the country on a predictably repeating basis, it’s time to once AGAIN address what needs to CHANGE…Maybe at some point people will finally listen.

You can’t watch that video of that Minneapolis police officer and NOT see what appeared to be a certain degree of ‘satisfaction’ all over his face, his body language and his demeanor, as he continued to unnecessarily grind his knee into the back of handcuffed George Floyd’s neck, while Mr. Floyd repeatedly begged for help, exclaiming that he ‘couldn’t breathe’.

It is routine training in law enforcement that ‘reasonable pressure’ with your knee to someone’s back can be effective when trying to control them and keep them on the ground while trying to get them handcuffed and under control. (The key word of course being the ‘back’ not the neck. And Mr. Floyd was under control and handcuffed.)

It is also routinely taught that pressure to the back of the neck is to be avoided unless absolutely necessary, and even then it must be done very CAREFULLY and BRIEFLY, without too much body pressure, because of the obvious delicate and vulnerable spot that it is on the top of the spinal chord of a human being. There is also the carotid artery that can easily be blocked like in a ‘choke hold’ technique, with such extended knee pressure for such a ridiculously long period of several minutes.

This is common sense. Such abuse of power happens not because many officers do not have that common sense. It happens regularly DESPITE that common sense.

I was watching a newscast tonight in which a protester was interviewed on the street by the roving reporter. He said he thought a lot of the cops were just ‘following orders’. The more accurate understanding of what is at the root cause of such rampant, routine and never ending police abuse of power is not that they are following orders, it is that they are FOLLOWING A CULTURE that is deeply entrenched in law enforcement, and that the vast MAJORITY of officers are attracted to.

The general public – meaning the average, relatively ‘comfortable’ white person – ignorantly wants to hold on to the notion that all of these deaths of unarmed minorities, and all the abuse we see growing across our nation in law enforcement is all done by a ‘few bad apples’. That of course is absurd. Because the constant repetitive legacy of these continuing needless deaths only keeps happening because of an institutional culture and mindset effecting the majority within the ranks of the police.

And such ongoing abuse of power by so called ‘bad apples’ has only been allowed to go virtually unchecked because the majority of the other cops are dutifully CONFORMING to that culture, and not calling it out. I consider that ‘silent majority’ to be just as ‘bad’ if not worse in some ways, than those who pull the trigger unjustly or grind their knee for almost 9 minutes into someone’s neck while they are begging for air.

The truth that the police do not want the public to know is that it is the opposite…There are generally only a few good, non-conforming cops on every agency, and it is very hard for them to make it to retirement without getting pushed out of the job.

The vast majority of cops are NOT going to say a word when they see abuse happening, just like we saw with the cops standing by watching and listening to George Floyd asking for help to breathe, and they did nothing to help him, while standing only a few feet away. That is a mindset of the majority who are attracted to not just the job, but the ‘US AGAINST THEM’ CULTURE they strongly want to conform to and be a part of.

This was one of the hardest things for me to face when I got on the force as a deputy sheriff in Florida. I have written about this before, but I will briefly repeat it here as just one of many examples…

I had only been on the job less than a year, so I was still on probation at the time, and I had to report serious abuse by a K-9 handler. The handler let his dog bite a subject repeatedly, who was not a threat, and it was on a traffic related case where the subject ran on foot because of a suspended license. The department strictly forbid the releasing of a K-9 to attack a person you might chase in such a situation.

Myself and about 4 other deputies were present on the call, and after all of us had chased the subject, he was on the ground giving up. But we couldn’t get in to put the handcuffs on him because the K-9 handler would not call his dog off, and was relishing in letting the dog attack the person who was screaming from the dog biting at him repeatedly. We knew we’d also get bit if we tried to get between the dog and the subject.

I immediately was yelling repeatedly at the handler to call his dog off, and finally he did and we handcuffed the cooperative subject. Afterward the K-9 handler expressed his delight that his dog would be a more aggressive dog on the job now that he got a ‘bite’ and the taste of blood.

Of course, I had an ethical obligation to report this to the lieutenant in charge of the K-9 unit. It was also critical to report such a flagrant violation of department policy, just from a department liability standpoint. But the ethical obligation was the driving reason. When I told him the details as I have described them here, can you guess the likely response I received?

Remember what I shared above…This is a mass culture of like-minded people, ALL THE WAY UP the chain of command.

I remember his shocking response to me like it was yesterday. He said, “Fishbaugh, you’re not a real team player are you?”

It was a shock to me at the time, because I went into the career thinking that most cops were like me, and were there to protect and serve all citizens equally. Like I said, this was just one example of countless others, and without the changes that are critically necessary, this shameful reality in law enforcement will continue to run rampant across our nation UNTIL the appropriate overhaul of changes are finally implemented.

Sir Robert Peel, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is also said to have been the ‘FATHER OF MODERN POLICING’.

He is known to have said, “The citizens ARE the police”. He rightly understood that the correct model for any community policing effort was for the police officers to understand they WORK FOR the citizens who are also the police, just as much as they are.

Remember the wild west small town sheriffs and marshals? Did they have an ‘us against them’ mentality? With very rare exception, like in Wyatt Earp’s case and a handful of other cases, absolutely not. And even in Wyatt Earp’s famous case, the citizens of the towns where he abused his power did in fact rise up and remove him from office eventually.

But back then, town sheriffs, marshals and their deputies knew they were the employees of the town citizens who put them there, and who would remove them at the drop of a hat. And if ever there was a serious threat requiring more than the sheriff and his deputies, the town folk were right there and mounted up as a sworn law enforcement POSSE.

Why? Because the citizens are the police first and foremost, DELEGATING the day to day law enforcement duties to an appointed individual who reported to them, thereby freeing them up to focus  more on the important business of running and building the town.

And those who are given the job to perform those daily duties are properly understood as AMBASSADORS OF THE CITIZENS…They represent the citizens.

It is the citizens who CREATED the laws for their respective states, counties and cities. And just because the full time job of the police is to enforce those laws, and to be ready to responsibly arrest those criminals who break those laws implemented by the citizens, that DOES NOT equate to the police having a position of elevated authority OVER the citizens they serve.

However, in this current model of law enforcement, the corruption we are seeing is entirely because the police have replaced that proper perspective with one that sees themselves as SUPERIOR TO the citizens they are supposed to be ‘serving’ and subject to.

One of the biggest changes that must be made to overhaul the GOOD OLE’ BOY,  ‘us against them’ culture rampant in law enforcement, is something very specific along the lines of what I just described.

Community sheriff departments and police departments need to have their culture overhauled entirely with a new sheriff and a new chief who has NOT been in the career all their life. The top administrator needs to be someone who has predominantly been just a citizen and/or a business owner in the community.

This is the first step of a much bigger and extensive overhaul from the ground up, to rid every department of the sick culture that has attracted the wrong kind of police officer who does not see the citizens as even EQUAL to them, let alone sees them as their ‘boss’.

The next step after replacing the head of every department with a respected local citizen from the community, is to establish a CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMISSION made up of 12 local citizens of the community who would serve a one or two year term on that commission.

When the police and the deputies realize for the first time that EVERYTHING they do and say will be closely scrutinized by a chief or sheriff who is not a ‘career cop’, but who is a town citizen…

And when the police and the deputies realize that EVERYTHING they do and say will also be scrutinized not just by the chief or the sheriff, but that their continued employment as a law enforcement officer hangs entirely in the balance by a thread connected to the pleasure or lack thereof by the citizens commission, you will almost miraculously see an overnight change in police conduct on the job for MOST cops.

There will obviously be many who won’t be able to cope with such citizen oversight, transparent accountability and ethical obligation, and they will quickly be exposed and terminated.

Another element in the massive changes that are critically needed in the overhaul of the culture of law enforcement involves the presence of social workers and citizens appointed by the commission, who would be assigned to every squad and every shift on patrol, 24/7.

Any call for service of any significance, especially if it is of a sensitive nature involving the need for a trained social worker or mental health care worker, every shift and squad will have someone working with them who can respond to such a call.

But more generally speaking, citizens appointed by the commission, and/or actual citizen commission members would routinely patrol along with the officers and deputies on every shift, so that their oversight would be IMMEDIATE, not only as a review body after the fact.

Another critical aspect of the changes that must be implemented to overhaul the corrupt culture rampant in law enforcement across our country is that all employment on any police agency is entirely contingent on the officer or deputy RESIDING IN the community they will be policing.

Also, the citizens commission and the citizen head of every department would strongly prioritize determining the demographic population percentages of all races and various minority groups, including their community’s LGBT population, so they would be closely replicated with the same approximate ratio of representation on the respective police department or sheriff’s office in that community.

Of course body camera footage would be immediately available for timely transparent review by the press after any serious incident or shooting.

These changes are what have been needed for many years now. The problem started a long time back at some point when the words ‘SWORN OFFICER’ vs ‘NON-SWORN CIVILIAN’ found their way into the modern police lexicon and mindset.

When that happened, police officers felt all the more empowered by such a dubious distinction, and began falsely interpreting their ‘SWORN OFFICER’ title as equating to an elevated position OVER the so-called ‘NON-SWORN CIVILIAN’ citizens they were always meant to serve and be subject to, as mentioned above.

In other words, at some point along the way, the term ‘SWORN OFFICER’ became a coveted term of superiority in the mind of the police. But the truth, as Sir Robert Peel pioneered, is that the police are subject to the community’s general citizenry…The truth that we need to return to is that there are no ‘CIVILIANS’ who are subject to ‘OFFICERS’ in law enforcement.

In fact, one of the specific changes we need to make is to replace the term ‘police officer’ with the term ‘police ambassador’.  And if you are a deputy, your title would be ‘deputy ambassador’. This would go a long way to remind the police that they are merely an ambassador representing the citizens who gave them that ambassadorship, and who can remove it at will.

As long as the police are continued to be allowed to classify and refer to themselves as ‘sworn officers’ versus the citizens being ‘unsworn civilians’, they will NATURALLY continue to have an ‘us against them’ or ‘us ABOVE them’ mentality.

The citizens are not just the police, they are the AUTHORITY OVER the police, and every department needs to have their administration completely changed to reflect that new ever present citizen authority over the police at all times.

It is not enough to have career cops who have come up through those ranks to be the Chief of Police, just making occasional promises to city mayors and commissioners about better training on arrest techniques and use of force. All of that is for the most part, meaningless rhetoric because it doesn’t address the underlying CULTURE that has to be ended. You end such a corrupt culture with a complete citizen’s oversight control from the top all the way down to the line officer level.

When the officers and deputies are told that the town citizens assigned to patrol with them and oversee their actions are ALSO SWORN to enforce the law…and not only that, but those sworn local citizens have been given the authority on the street to take their badge and gun for review by the citizen chief, sheriff and citizens advisory commission, we will not have this shameful abuse of power by the police any longer.

There has been massive resistance by law enforcement to any such transparent control by the community for too long now. It’s time for these specific ‘citizen model’ changes to be implemented, despite the obvious B.S. excuses the current corrupt model likes to use, such as ‘we know how to be tough on crime’ and the ‘average civilian’ does not.

There again, such an excuse is an elitist, ‘we are above the citizenry’ mentality that tries to hold on to that abuse of power at all costs. And that is why we keep seeing needless deaths at the hands of this ‘us against them’ culture.

The average DRAFTED American citizen fought, kicked ass and won World War 1 and 2, and would have won The Vietnam War if we had been allowed to actually fight a war there.

The average American citizen took care of what needed to be done in the Gulf War and in the Iraq War as well, so the average citizenry can handle fighting crime and enforcing its OWN community’s laws with no problem, and do it much more JUSTLY, ETHICALLY and EQUALLY than this corrupt ‘us against them’ model we have had for way too long.

If we don’t decide to maintain the protests and the righteous anger until these citizen oversight changes are made to oversee the police on a DAILY operational basis, the status quo of our current corrupt police culture will once again be allowed to remain. At this point, after all the abuse we have witnessed, there is no excuse for that.

Yet already we are seeing the protests and the righteous, non-violent anger subsiding in recent days, and being replaced with more and more images in the mainstream media of groups of Police Chiefs and Sheriffs organizing photo ops of themselves ‘going down to a knee’ to appease the public’s anger.

As brave as many of you have been, this is how dumb they think you are, and this is how afraid THEY have become…They are doing such a photo op because the initial righteous anger from the masses got their attention in a big way, and made them fear for losing their precious jobs and their coveted system.

They expect that with the help of the mainstream media promoting that image to the public, everyone will be emotionally moved at how the police chiefs are finally getting it…Look at how they all are going down to a knee in ‘solidarity’.

As I said above…after all the history of abuse we’ve seen over and over again, there is no excuse to be that naive today. We have an obligation to our children and our grandchildren to maintain the righteous anger and tell those Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs that it’s TOO LATE NOW to make such an ’empathetic photo op’…Especially after many if not all of those Chiefs and Sheriffs applauded the NFL’s blackballing of Colin Kaepernick for years now, for his choosing to reverently go to a knee during the national anthem, for the SAME REASON.

We have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to call out such pretense and ‘ACTING’ by those career law enforcement officials at the top of such a corrupt system, and to demand a complete overhaul of that corrupt system, replaced from the top down by an entire CITIZEN OVERSIGHT MODEL as detailed above.

Connie Bryan

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer and host of “The Connie Bryan Show” airing in 15 cable markets nationwide, including Washington D.C.  Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan.)



Dr. Fauci tells Senate ‘Vaccine’ Can Make Virus WORSE…And Media’s Ignoring of CDC Whistle Blower on Autism Connection to MMR Vaccine

Dr. Anthony Fauci, in an unexpected passing comment, tells members of Congress in his recent testimony that for some people who take a coronavirus vaccine, it may make the negative effects of the virus WORSE! What the ____??

For the last two months, riding hard and fast like Paul Revere on his ‘mainstream media horse’ through the neighborhoods of America, Fauci has been nonstop in his media message, ‘A VACCINE IS COMING, A VACCINE IS COMING’.

And all during that time, instead of warning the public of any such potential danger, like Paul Revere’s famous warning about ‘The British are coming’, Americans are being told the coming vaccine will be their SAVIOR, and will provide the ‘cure’ for this ‘panic-demic’.

But then oddly, before the Senate a few days back, Fauci makes the clear point he has NOT been making to the public at all, specifically warning that receiving a coronavirus vaccine can make the disease worse for the recipient. Again, that is not at all the understanding of the general public…

That is not at all the ‘perception’ they have been conditioned with thus far about any forthcoming vaccine, as most Americans have been panicked into becoming germaphobic sheep, fearfully hiding in their homes until they can ‘flock’ together to get their dose from their ‘shepherd’. It is beyond sad for the rest of us who are not a part of that massive, panicked herd of sheep, to see what is becoming of our nation before our very eyes.

Sooooo, like I have asked regarding a few other very critical pieces of news I’ve shared with my readers recently, WHY do you suppose you DIDN’T hear about this blockbuster piece of news from the Leftwing media outlets, and you are only just now hearing it from me??

The mainstream media has completely ignored reporting this, and it is possibly the most concerning thing Fauci has said to date, related to the issue of a ‘vaccine’ for Covid-19…

To say the least, such a general admission out of Fauci’s mouth in front of a Senate panel about vaccines is exceedingly revealing about the truth regarding the potential dangers surrounding vaccines – especially if one already has a weakened or lowered immune system, even if one does NOT have major underlying chronic health issues.

Fortunately, this WAS reported in the Washington Examiner, in an article by Spencer Neale entitled:


I’m sorry, but I feel I need to say this again to make sure readers comprehend how crazy this is… Shouldn’t such news from the so-called ‘America’s Doctor’ be placed and sustained front and center on PBS, CNN and MSNBC?

OF COURSE it should.

And this is one example of many I have been trying to show you over the last couple of months, regarding this Leftwing media’s manipulated, exaggerated and shamefully over hyped ‘PANIC-DEMIC’ agenda, involving a large degree of withholding information, meaning ‘lies by omission’ if it doesn’t fit their controlled narrative. (Please see my other recent articles here on my WordPress blog related to this topic, and on the agenda behind all of this that is a clear and present threat to our democracy)

The mainstream ‘reality show’ media masquerading as ‘the news’ has dishonestly wanted to scare the daylights out of you about a virus they knew from the beginning would be MILD for the vast majority, but they DO NOT want to alarm you about the very real dangers of a vaccine that they want to push on you!

So it’s time for more of you to start opening your eyes and connecting the dots on why this has not been reported to you, and on why Fauci gets away with such a monumentally disturbing statement and admission like this to a Senate committee…

Why he would want to cover his ass as they say, making sure to educate a select group of congressional members about this fact, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, as high profile as he is, he doesn’t MAKE SURE to go out of his way to educate YOU about it in his frequent media appearances in the mainstream media.

The article in the Washington Examiner begins as follows:

‘As people around the world await a reliable treatment for the coronavirus, a top U.S. health official warned that some coronavirus vaccinations might harm more than help patients desperate for therapy.’

Then they quote Dr. Fauci with the following statement about the likely ‘negative consequences’ some may have who take a coronavirus vaccine…a comment that he makes in a rather bizarre, cavalier way, almost as though he’s talking about the weather:

“We will be investigating considerable resources in developing doses even before we know any given candidate or candidate’s work,” he said. “I must warn that there is also the possibility of negative consequences where certain vaccines can actually enhance the negative effect of the infection.”

“There are some important issues, however, in COVID-19 vaccine development,” he added. “We have many candidates and hope to have multiple winners. In other words, it’s multiple shots on goal. This will be important because this will be good for global availability if we have more than one successful candidate.”

Look at the bizarre juxtaposition of these statements by Fauci, clearly indicating a certain acceptable ‘collateral damage’ as it were…First he says so off the cuff, “I must warn that there is also the possibility of negative consequences where certain vaccines can actually enhance the negative effect of the infection.”…

And then in almost the same breath he says “In other words it’s multiple shots on goal. This will be good for global availability if we have more than one successful candidate.”

Putting aside the crass, highly inappropriate ‘sports analogy’ after he made a point of saying a developed vaccine could make those who receive it have a WORSE condition with the virus (meaning possibly chronic or fatal, where otherwise, without said vaccine, they wouldn’t necessarily have the virus at all), it is clear that Fauci’s apparent definition for success IS NOT how the average person would define success!

You just say in passing that you want to ‘warn’ the Senators that a vaccine you develop, and then tell the world they need to take (possibly more than one vaccine because you have multiple ‘vendors’ taking multiple ‘shots on goal’)…You just remark somewhat in passing that these ‘multiple shots on goal’ with the vaccine could make the virus occur in some people even more dangerously??

This is unbelievable, what we are witnessing right now. And it is absolutely why you hear from people more and more who are trying to raise awareness of some major concerns surrounding ‘vaccines’ in general.

It is critically important that people stop a very bad habit they have developed of stereotyping others, based solely on what your political party has dictated as being an intolerable, unacceptable topic for discussion in their approved ‘party narrative’…

STOP DOING THAT…This is another example of very sick ‘tribalism’ on BOTH sides of the political aisle. It is dangerous, unhealthy GROUP THINK seeking to censor what the group (tribe) feels is ‘politically incorrect’ or a threat to their control of their group (tribe). You ensure that you will learn nothing in such a dangerous, unhealthy mindset of conformity.

Soon I will probably be writing more on the topic of the mounting concerns many are raising about the possible connection between some vaccines and certain diseases…especially the MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) triple vaccine given all at once, and often way too early to children – often given when the child is well under 3 years old and their immune system is still very weak, and easily overcome by the toxic shock.

Millions of parents have come forward and continue to come forward to sound the alarm, bringing the same exact stories regarding the immediate toxic shock result of giving their baby that MMR cocktail – they witnessed their children go into seizures and never recover, becoming autistic from that point on forever.

Many of you are not aware of this, because once again the mainstream media has dutifully followed orders from their 1% ownership, and deliberately avoided reporting on this topic.

Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry required the federal government to create a protection act in 1986 that ensures they are protected from any liability related to the vaccine in the general public? It was passed during the Reagan administration, and it is called “The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.”

Accordingly, many of you are completely unaware that Dr. William Thompson, chief scientist for the CDC, while working in the CDC’s ‘vaccine safety’ unit, came forward back in 2016 as a WHISTLE BLOWER.

He specifically blew the whistle on how he was pressured by higher ups to COVER UP such an autism connection in a specific study he was lead author on, regarding a connection they found in that study, linking use of the MMR vaccine to autism, ESPECIALLY in African american baby boys, when administered to them prior to the age of three years old.

In blowing the whistle, Dr. Thompson revealed that after they discovered the disturbing connection, they ‘manipulated the numbers’ to hide those results, and they were ordered to destroy key evidence of the study.

Furthermore, because the mainstream media has deliberately not reported on these known events, many of you are completely unaware of the fact that the CDC has routinely and constantly BLOCKED Dr. Thompson from testifying about his whistle blower knowledge, both before Congress AND in a court case filed by parents of an autistic child in Tennessee.

In that case, the CDC prevented Thompson from testifying, saying ‘it didn’t serve the interest of the CDC’…Here’s the actual paragraph as reported in “The World Mercury Project” dated Oct 19th, 2016:

“William Acree, Tennessee State Circuit Judge, had ordered the trial extended so that Thompson could be subpoenaed to testify. In a recent letter to the court, Dr. Frieden denied the request to allow Dr. Thompson to testify stating that “Dr. William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS.”

“Dr. Frieden” mentioned above in that paragraph, who blocked Thompson’s testimony, was the DIRECTOR of the CDC at the time.

And he could block Thompson by simply saying his “testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS.”?

This is the director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control, preventing a whistle blower from testifying because it ‘would not substantially promote the objectives of the CDC or HHS’…Last I checked, the objectives of JUSTICE and the CONSTITUTION, i.e. the objectives of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE trump any director’s ‘concerns’ about his government agency’s ‘objectives’!

But our top government officials and elected representatives have betrayed ‘We the People’ in dutifully serving the interests of ‘Big Pharma’ instead, and have allowed this by looking the other way.

The egregious corruption this belies is unconscionable. There are powers that be that are desperately trying to control the media in order to keep damning evidence from coming out, that would reveal their culpability and responsibility for untold deaths and lives ruined by the fraudulent, profiteering ‘chrony’ Big Pharma partnership with the CDC, the HHS and even the WHO over the last few decades at least.

So when you hear someone like myself trying to address the topic of growing concerns about the dangers of vaccines, don’t forget that Dr. Fauci himself just made sure to remind members of congress about that, but he hasn’t been reminding you about it at all.  Also, STOP with the BS knee jerk reaction of thinking that those who bring up this critical topic are somehow ‘CONSPIRACY THEORISTS’.

The last thing in the world I am is a conspiracy theorist. I come to you from the critically important area in the MIDDLE, between the fearful flock of conforming, dutiful sheep on one end, and the conspiracy theorists on the other end.

Yes, those who think ‘reptilians are part of the Illuminati’, etc, they are conspiracy theorists…Alex Jones? Yes, much of the time he falls into that category, though to his credit I don’t think he believes in ‘reptilians’.

Anyway, it is very important to understand the following: Being willing to bring a spotlight of truth to politically or socially ‘UNPOPULAR’ topics that you can see are deliberately being sabotaged, blocked or deliberately being avoided by the media… And doing so in an effort to get that truth out to ‘We the People’ – that is NOT a conspiracy theorist.

That is what we used to call patriotic FREE SPEECH…That is how we used to define objective ‘truth to power’ journalism, something that not only is greatly missing now more than ever from our so called ‘news’ outlets, but something that we are now seeing Big Tech monopolies like Google, Youtube and Twitter choosing to censor and remove, in an effort to KEEP people in the dark, and in an effort to KEEP us from exercising that free speech.

We’ve never seen anything like this to date in America, and it’s time we come together to take a stand and take our country back.

Connie Bryan

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer/host of “The Connie Bryan Show” airing in 14 cable markets nationwide, including Washington D.C.  Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan.)



If Our Great Grandparents Were Here Today, They’d be SHAMING Our Irresponsible, Weak CONFORMITY

In a tech focused podcast interview from 2013 called ‘Singularity Weblog’…when asked by the host at the end of the program, ‘what was the most important message he wanted to leave the listeners with?’, national treasure, widely respected author, philosopher and social critic Noam Chomsky put it this way…

“I think people ought to take a clear-eyed look at the world around us, where it’s going, where it’s likely to go if we REMAIN PASSIVE and OBEDIENT and CONFORMISTS, and that’s a GRIM FUTURE…and then decide what we can do to AVERT that tragedy.”


‘Passive, obedient conformists’ are the MUCH more dangerous pandemic ‘infection’ we are seeing as we look around our world today, now more than ever.

Listen, when many of you read my articles like this one, you KNOW DEEP DOWN that what I’m saying strikes a powerful chord of TRUTH within you. But despite that strong realization, many of you (not all) default to a certain fear…a certain conditioned ‘political correctness’ that holds you back from joining in and letting your voice be heard in support.

You wrongly let your priority be the FEAR of “WHAT COULD HAPPEN TO ME if I am seen on record agreeing with this?”

“WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ME…What will others in the Facebook ‘CONFORMING FLOCK’ think of me if they see my comments AGREEING with this?”

Many of you clearly see EVERYTHING WRONG that I and others like me are regularly pointing out and shining a spotlight of truth on.

But instead of having the basic courage to stand up and join us, and share your supportive comments in calling for revolutionary change in the interest of ‘We the People’ over ‘We the Mega-Corporations’…instead you remain EVER SILENT in your dangerous priority of social conformity to the system…

Conformity to the ‘addiction’ that you KNOW deep down inside is a monstrous, clear and present threat to the continued ability of the 99% of Americans, and especially to their children and grandchildren, to have access to ‘THE AMERICAN DREAM’…

A clear and present threat to Americans’ continued ability to have the SELF SUFFICIENT control of their OWN means of production, rather than being forced to be completely dependent on this growing, corrupt predatory corporate elite, who have bought off our elected representatives, and are aggressively seeking that monopolizing end result now more than ever.

You know this is true…You see this happening in our country now more than ever…You know what I’m writing is of the utmost importance. Yet you remain silent. What you aren’t realizing is the cost of that silence and that conformity. When you do realize it, it could be too late.

I was excited today to come across these concise examples from Noam Chomsky, and wanted to share them with my readers, because they are at the root of most everything I have been writing about for a long time now, and I have only just recently become familiarized with Noam Chomsky’s body of work.

A little earlier in this same ‘Singularity Weblog’ podcast interview, after explaining to the young interviewer that the belief and assertion of a coming ‘SINGULARITY’ of computers achieving and surpassing ‘human consciousness’ was meaningless…

After accurately describing such a belief as nothing but ‘science fiction’, Mr. Chomsky effectively addressed the REAL ‘NON FICTIONAL’, serious danger to humanity, when too much obsession is placed on an agenda of replacing humans with robots and artificial intelligence.

Appearing a little disappointed in that response, the host then asked Mr. Chomsky what his favorite model was that HE preferred for human ‘progress’ in our society. Mr. Chomsky replied with another display of his trademark wisdom, and with seemingly forgotten common sense by many people, saying:

“Democratic control of EVERY aspect of social life…The production, consumption, distribution, political representation – a long way to go on that – and simply EXPANDING the sphere of HUMAN and ANIMAL RIGHTS.”

‘Democratic control of everything’ and ‘Expanding the sphere of HUMAN and ANIMAL RIGHTS’…

HOW THE HELL have we lost sight of this basic, red white and blue common sense? Instead, we have not just allowed it, but have celebrated and become ADDICTED AND SUBSERVIENT TO the ‘expanding of the sphere’ of the 1% elite Corporations, more and more AT HUMAN RIGHTS EXPENSE??

‘Democratic control of everything’ and ‘Expanding the sphere of HUMAN and ANIMAL RIGHTS’…

It is readily obvious to any American who doesn’t have their head buried either in the sand (or somewhere else), that ‘We the People’ have almost lost ALL democratic control of ANYTHING, let alone EVERYTHING, and all such control is being given instead by our elected representatives (who were ostensibly elected to have our backs) to monopoly corporations owned by the 1%.

HOW THE HELL have we lost sight of that basic, red white and blue common sense, when such corporate monopolization is a direct attack on ALL of our antitrust laws on the books, placed there to protect small business for working class Americans – when that predatory mega-corporate monopolization is so ANTITHETICAL to everything our forefathers intended when they created this nation for ‘We the People’??

These two examples from the mind of Noam Chomsky represent what he has been writing about and championing with his life as a political activist for many decades now. As I mentioned above, it is critically important COMMON SENSE for a democratic free society such as ours, that is being dangerously forgotten!

A large part of the reason it is being ‘forgotten’ is akin to someone becoming very forgetful who is addicted to recreational drugs, except in our society’s case, Big Tech (and specifically the elite 1% behind Big Tech) have succeeded in getting us to become severely addicted to the internet, and all things “A.I.”, to the growing DETRIMENT of the most important aspect of our existence on this planet – that being THE HUMAN ELEMENT…

That being the HUMAN EXPERIENCE WITH EACH OTHER…the critically important element of IN PERSON CONNECTIONS in our communities, with emphasis on supporting all of our respective small business COMMUNITY MARKETPLACES, without primary dependence on ‘social media’ and artificial intelligence…

I didn’t say without ANY use of social media, online commerce and/or artificial intel – I said without PRIMARY DEPENDENCE on it, so that Big Tech cannot monopolize and destroy SMALL BUSINESS, the key to access for all Americans to the economic independence of ‘The American Dream’.

Accordingly we are long overdue for a DE-EMPHASIS on supporting the self-admitted community business ‘killers’, most readily known to be Amazon and Walmart, but of course not limited to those two corporate predators by any means.

Morally and democratically, we have fallen so far from what our forefathers intended for us…

‘The American Dream’ was of course not intended to be HIJACKED by the elite 1% at the expense of the common American. Yet that is EXACTLY what has been happening…

That is EXACTLY the corrupt agenda that has been developing over the last few decades, in tandem with the dutiful, conforming cooperation of our pathetic, corrupt elected representatives!

We have fallen so far from the precious independence and freedom that hundreds of thousands of veterans over the years have given their lives trying to protect on the battlefield…

Most of us likely have grandparents and great grandparents who have passed on. But if they were here today, they’d be shaming MANY of us for our irresponsible weak conformity, and utter lack of democratic moral courage…

They would tell us ‘YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS!’

They would NEVER have allowed politicians and the government to make them lose their jobs, jeopardize their small businesses, and make them stay in their homes and scare their children into being afraid to play outside, all over the ‘coronavirus’ that we have been told from the beginning by the C.D.C. and the W.H.O. would be INSIGNIFICANT for the VAST MAJORITY of people who catch it, JUST LIKE THE FLU!

Our ancestors didn’t build this great nation with such an infantile, germaphobic fear of ANY and ALL risk of the world around us! THEY WERE STRONGER THAN THAT, and that is what they would tell us now if they were here…they would tell you that YOU are stronger than this!

They would be shaming us for our sheep-like conformity and subservience in response to such an unAmerican, ANTI-DEMOCRATIC, CORRUPT CORPORATE MONOPOLY THREAT to ‘The American Dream’, and to equal access to free enterprise for the COMMON WORKING CLASS AMERICAN.

It’s time to wake up now, not just to make our grandparents and great grandparents proud, but to take our country back, and ensure those precious democratic ideals are EQUALLY ACCESSIBLE to our CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN!

Connie Bryan

*This article is a followup companion to my two other most recent articles, first on May 12th with “TIME TO COLLECTIVELY TAKE OFF OUR ‘LEASHES’ AND PUT THEM ON THE ELITE 1% WHERE THEY BELONG…” and on May 16th with “THE DISHONESTY & EXAGGERATED HYPE FROM THE LEFT ON COVID-19 DRIVING MORE DEMOCRATS AWAY FROM THE PARTY” which I hope you will check out as well…As always, thanks for reading when you can.

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer and host of “The Connie Bryan Show”, a late night style TV program airing in 14 cable markets nationwide including Washington D.C.  Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan)


The Dishonesty & Exaggerated HYPE from the LEFT on Covid-19 Driving More Democrats AWAY from the Party

In this article I’m going to be addressing Democrat Speaker of the House Nanci Pelosi’s inexcusably dishonest comment yesterday regarding Covid-19, in comparison to the absurd, needless overreach and destruction of Americans’ livelihoods from the ‘stay at home’ lockdowns…

But first, let me set it up with the just as absurd news that L.A. Mayor Garcetti announced yesterday that Pelosi was reacting to, when Garcetti told Los Angeles residents that the city would NOT be reopening UNTIL THERE IS A CURE.

UNTIL THERE’S A CURE?? This is insanity…Has the Left lost all common sense?

To keep things in perspective, we have a supposed ‘vaccine’ and a therapeutic treatment for the influenza virus, and even still we lose anywhere between 60 to 80 THOUSAND PEOPLE in a given flu season!

The numbers of deaths from the coronavirus are comparable to deaths from the flu, as confirmed by more and more top medical experts, proven by the data developed from more and more serological, random sample anti-body testing on both the east and west coast in New York, California and Florida.

My readers probably don’t know the following, because again it is intentionally ignored by the Leftwing media…But it turns out New York is one of several states that DO NOT REQUIRE A TEST to confirm/determine that a death was ‘Covid-19 related’, while of course California, with a very low death rate per capita, DOES require a test to confirm Covid-19 as the cause of death on a death certificate.

My readers probably also don’t know this next fact as well, since the Leftwing media also dishonestly avoids reporting this…

It turns out there is significant motivation for doctors and hospitals to ‘pad their numbers’ on death certificates, and to say patients’ deaths were caused by the coronavirus, because every time they do so, they get significant sums of ’emergency’ money from FEMA funding, designated by Congress for hospitals impacted by Covid-19…

But wait, there’s more!…IN ADDITION to the FEMA funds, hospitals receive another $13,000.00 per patient from MEDICARE for all those who they designate as having Covid-19…And not only that, they receive $39,000.00 from MEDICARE if the designated Covid-19 patient goes on a ventilator.

So there’s a significant monetary incentive behind the inflating of the numbers. And you would not hear this reported on CNN or MSNBC and the like, because such facts interfere with their predetermined ‘script’.

Furthermore, a month or so back (which seems like a year with this lockdown doesn’t it?), in the middle of America’s experience with the pandemic, oddly the CDC decided to change it’s death reporting guidelines specifically related to Covid-19.

I looked this up to confirm that it was in fact the case, and found that they absolutely did update their death reporting guidelines, specifically telling doctors and hospitals that a test to confirm a diagnosis of Covid-19 was ‘not required’, and encouraging them to ‘use their best judgment’ if they ‘reasonably suspected’ the patient may have had Covid-19 when they died.

This is just way ‘down the rabbit hole’.

By comparison, when we had the AIDS epidemic in this country, the exact OPPOSITE was the case…The CDC was very, very strict in requiring a lot of documentation and proof, especially TESTING, to confirm that a patient did in fact die specifically due to having HIV/AIDS, and did not die from some other specific cause while simultaneously having HIV/AIDS in their system.

They routinely sent out medical investigators to audit hospitals and look through records to confirm this detailed proof was present in order to classify someone as dying from HIV/AIDS.

Accordingly, we have begun hearing from more and more doctors and nurses – you can find many of their posts on social media – who are coming forward to reveal that their hospitals and their upper management have begun pressuring them to classify deaths as Covid-19 where they would not normally have done so…

Or they are often pressured to go back and make corrections to a death certificate, and RECLASSIFY it as being ‘Covid-19’ when it was NOT confirmed by a test, and/or when the person clearly died of other natural causes, but may have just happened to have a mild case of Covid-19 currently present in their system, whether confirmed by a test or not.

It is obviously very critical to distinguish between someone who dies from some other clear cause, but just happened to have a mild case of the coronavirus, and someone who is in the very rare category of having a chronic and ultimately fatal experience as a result of the virus…

And it is important to remember that we have been assured over and over that there are PLENTY OF TESTS for anyone who needs one. So obviously a test should be necessary and required to confirm a Covid-19 diagnosis. Yet, in a hot spot like New York, it is NOT required. (??)

That doesn’t pass the ‘smell test’ as they say.

All this to say, the numbers the media continues to put out there to scare you are significantly INFLATED, with a monetary incentive for hospitals and doctors to do so.

You will be seeing a lot more coming out about this in the coming months, but likely the left wing ‘reality show media’ will continue not to report it because it is yet another huge fact that detracts from their false, ‘PANIC-DEMIC’ narrative they are pursuing.

The TRUTH is, you do not need to be afraid. You do not need to live your life in such massive fear. You do not need to make your children wear a mask. You do not need to keep them from playing with other children, and make them afraid to go outside, etc.

We are becoming a weak, fearful nation of babies and germaphobes…We do not need to be looking at our fellow man as though they were ‘WALKERS’ from the AMC hit show ‘THE WALKING DEAD’…

THIS IS ALL ABSOLUTELY ABSURD BEYOND BELIEF, how the media has gotten away with creating such unnecessary panic and fear in our country.

At every turn, I feel I have to remind readers again that from the BEGINNING, we knew that the coronavirus was NOT a terminal illness…we knew that it in fact was NOT a ‘killer plague’ comparable to the 1917/1918 ‘Spanish Flu’!

Yet the media and even Donald Trump have worked overtime in seeking to burn that false perception in the minds of Americans, with Trump’s reasoning being his political desire in an election year, to be seen as the ‘savior’ who kept you from DYING from ‘the plague’…

But from the beginning, specifically and predominantly it has been the mainstream media and politicians ON THE LEFT, who made a conscious intentional decision to steadfastly DISTORT what the top health officials like the CDC, the NIH, and the WHO were reporting and continue to report on the overall MILD nature of this new virus for the ‘vast majority’, with the same ‘at risk’ group as the flu virus targets…

I have put those quotes up time and again from those top health organizations, and from top leading medical doctors…

I have included them both in my articles and on my monthly cable TV show “The Connie Bryan Show” (Youtube/conniebryan)…Actual official quotes that specifically and consistently state that THE VAST MAJORITY of people who catch this novel coronavirus would either have MILD FLU SYMPTOMS at most, or they would have it and clear it out of their system WITHOUT EVER KNOWING THEY HAD IT!

But the Left wing media has intentionally avoided reporting those fundamental facts about the novel coronavirus, while also intentionally seeking to distort those facts to generate needless panic.

So once again, I will share a few such examples from those leading health organizations and medical experts, that the Left wing media has intentionally avoided reporting:

Center for Disease Control(CDC): “Information so far suggests that most COVID-19 illness is mild… Older people and people of all ages with severe chronic medical conditions — like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example — seem to be at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness…”

Dr. Robert Quigley, regional medical director of International SOS: “We’re dealing clearly with a pandemic for all intents and purposes, but the vast majority of us who are going to contract the disease are not going to be significantly impacted.”

Swedish Doctor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists…He was the first Chief Scientist for the European Center For Disease Control, and is currently serving as advisor to the Director General of the World Health Organization…He described the Corona virus pandemic as being ‘on the order of harsh flu season’ ”

From the W.H.O.: “For most people, COVID-19 infection will cause mild illness”

Dr. John Hotze M.D. (Allergist and Immunoligist with the Hotze Health and Wellness Center): “The mainstream media and many politicians are attempting to create in you and in the general population an irrational fear over the latest strain of the coronavirus, COVID-19, also known as the Wuhan Virus…

Dr. Hotze continues: “For most people who get the flu or the coronavirus, the symptoms usually resolve within a week. The infirmed elderly and those who are debilitated health-wise, with severe lung, heart disease, or diabetes tend be the individuals who experience serious problems when they contract the flu, or the coronavirus…You have been exposed to millions of viruses and bacteria daily since you were born. You have an immune system that makes antibodies to fight off these infectious organisms.”

To keep things in proper context, from the National Foundation For Infectious Diseases (Re: 2017-1028 Flu Death Numbers of 80,000):

“WASHINGTON, D.C., September 27, 2018 – Following a particularly severe 2017-2018 influenza (flu) season with a record-breaking estimated 900,000 hospitalizations and more than 80,000 deaths in the U.S.”

“Older adults and those with certain chronic health conditions (e.g., heart and lung disease, diabetes and obesity) are also at high risk of serious flu complications that can result in hospitalization. Last season (2017-2018) again took the greatest toll on adults age 65 years and older. According to CDC, about 70 percent of the estimated hospitalizations and 90 percent of deaths occurred in that age group.”

Those examples above are just a few critical examples that the Left wing ‘reality show media’ has kept from you in their daily panic narrative masquerading as ‘news coverage’.

If you have a habit of only watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, etc, you are being LIED TO, and that is immorally SHAMEFUL on the part of those so-called ‘news’ networks.

Nonstop, those networks have dishonestly and needlessly used this GENERALLY MILD new virus to scare the daylights out of their viewers, who were fooled into thinking these cable networks were a trusted news source, when nothing could be further from the truth. And I say that as a Democrat and a Liberal myself.

Ironically, AND IT PAINS ME TO ADMIT THIS…more truth is being broadcast right now on the FOX NEWS channel than anywhere else in the mainstream cable news, and that is hard to believe.

Prior to our current situation dealing with Covid-19, and prior to the Left wing mainstream media shamefully distorting it and dishonestly exaggerating it as a ‘killer virus’, I could not watch the Fox News Network because of their similar false and shameful narrative that sought to only cater to the Trump Cult Party that has hijacked the Republican Party.

But it seems as though the powers that be who run Fox News have made some recent ‘adjustments’ in order to begin appealing to more common sense Americans ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. It seems they may have rightly picked up on the fact that the Left wing cable news outlets are often not reporting the truth about the virus, and are grossly exaggerating it for a political and social agenda.

Now please don’t get me wrong…It is clear that Fox News is STILL full of plenty of their own horse sh#t, clearly STILL promoting a lot of the Trump cult agenda in between their generally more accurate coronavirus coverage, and that often makes common sense Americans just finally turn off the TV entirely!

But it is very interesting that more and more, Fox News is reporting truth regarding the coronavirus, and more often than not they appear to generally avoid exaggerating the facts for ‘ratings’, at LEAST with regard to a pandemic of something that, as was stated by the top health organizations from the beginning, the VAST MAJORITY of people who catch it will not even know they ever had it.

Now, factor in to this Left wing false ‘narrative of panic’, Democrat Speaker of the House Nanci Pelosi’s ridiculous statement yesterday, seeking to support and praise L.A. Mayor Garcettti after he announced Los Angeles would not be reopening ‘until there is a cure’…

When the reporter reminded her about how many Los Angeles small business owners are beginning to say they are seeing their livelihoods destroyed, and they don’t think their businesses will survive through the summer if they have to remain closed much longer…

Instead of honestly taking such an opportunity to point out that staying closed ‘until there’s a cure’ is not what was intended with the original plan of closing long enough to ‘flatten the curve’ (which has been accomplished)…

Instead of honestly taking the opportunity to refer to the facts that we are seeing more and more, that show ALL the ‘models’ were wrong that predicted 200,000 deaths EVEN WITH THE LOCKDOWN IN PLACE…

Instead of any shred of intellectually honest truth in that moment when it was desperately needed…What does Pelosi say?

She replies that while it ‘may be inconvenient for people, it would be much MORE inconvenient for them if they catch the virus’…her not so subtle implication being ‘What would be more inconvenient, losing your job/business/livelihood entirely or DYING?’

As I detailed above, Pelosi’s response is nothing but a sustained, hyped, controlled narrative from the Left, intentionally in DIRECT OPPOSITION with what we know about the nature of Covid-19 for the vast majority of people who catch it.

As the top, leading health organizations are on record saying, generally the VAST MAJORITY of people are NOT ‘inconvenienced’ by this new virus. Those who catch the coronavirus ARE NOT routinely hospitalized if they catch Covid-19…Even being HOSPITALIZED is the rare exception to the rule!

I’m beginning to feel like sometimes I should say things twice, to make sure it gets through the ‘wall of disinformation’ the media has tried to create in many people’s minds, so let me repeat that above paragraph one more time:

As the top, leading health organizations are on record saying, generally the VAST MAJORITY of people are NOT ‘inconvenienced’ by this new virus. Those who catch the coronavirus ARE NOT routinely hospitalized if they catch Covid-19…That is the exception to the rule!

As a matter of fact, it is so much the exception to the rule that even those who are in the ‘at risk’ group – over 65 with underlying immune system, pre-existing health issues – Even those people most often just have mild or regular flu symptoms and don’t get hospitalized. In other words, even those in the ‘at risk’ group who catch Covid-19 are most often not ‘inconvenienced’ with it any more than if they caught a bad cold or the common flu!

Those exceptions to the rule who do get hospitalized are a TINY fraction of the huge number in the American population who catch it and get over it in a couple of weeks, most of whom never knew they had it.

Yet, Democrat and blue state politicians like Pelosi, Gov. Cuomo of New York, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, Gov. Whitmer of Michigan, Mayor Garcetti of L.A. all shamefully keep this false narrative of fear going at a ‘FEVER PITCH’, seeking to sustain their Left manufactured ‘PANIC-DEMIC’ as a political weapon of sorts, with the upcoming election in November.

WE ARE STRONGER THAN THIS! Now is the time to WAKE UP…The corruption is so obvious and inexcusable, in the damage it is causing to our precious concept of “The American Dream”.

In closing, and to be crystal clear…I agree that there is no excuse for someone as corrupt and dishonest as Trump having been elected to the highest office of our land. But we CANNOT engage in and support the SAME level of hypocrisy and corruption from the Left, with threats to our civil liberties and our democracy just coming from another direction.

In closing, and to be crystal clear…I agree that there is no excuse for someone as corrupt and dishonest as Donald Trump having been elected to the highest office of our land.

But we CANNOT engage in and support the SAME level of hypocrisy and corruption from the Left, with such clear and present threats to our civil liberties and our democracy simply coming from a DIFFERENT direction!

Connie Bryan

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer and host of “The Connie Bryan Show”, airing in 14 cable markets nationwide including Washington D.C. Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan.)


Time to Collectively Take Off Our ‘LEASHES’ and Put Them On the Elite 1% WHERE THEY BELONG!

Very shortly I will be sharing my next article on the disturbing, mounting evidence that this ‘coronavirus’ was not naturally occurring, but was manipulated in the Chinese Wuhan lab. So I hope you will keep an eye out for that, it will be well worth the read I can assure you.

But first I want to follow up on my recent call to action article, about the need for Americans to organize and rally together now, before it is too late, in taking our country back from the corrupt ‘monopoly corporatism’ that has hijacked the capitalist free market system our forefathers intended for ‘we the people’ to have access to…

I will try to keep this relatively short, though there’s so much to say about the specific changes we need to make. This topic has the ingredients that could at last begin to heal and unite Americans on BOTH sides of the political aisle in a deeply shared understanding of the revolutionary change that is needed now more than ever.

Most wealthy economists you hear on the mainstream financial channels love to adoringly kiss the ass of the elite 1%, and as they routinely do so, their tired, typical BS narrative is always to say that the GOVERNMENT is the problem, and poor Americans who are taking welfare from the government are the problem, and how all of that is ‘dangerous socialism’…

Or even worse, more recently they have taken to castigating any such socio-economic ‘safety net’ for the struggling working class as actually being COMMUNISM, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.

That is of course nothing but a FRAUDULENT LIE OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTION!

And the important thing to realize is that for the most part, THEY REALIZE IT IS A LIE! This is what is called ‘GASLIGHTING’ to the max.

The 1% elites and their loyal lap dog economists, they all know that ‘we the people’ – meaning we the 99% of working Americans – no longer have the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY we used to have, to access anything remotely close to ‘The American Dream’ that our forefathers intended. They know access to the ‘American Dream’ has been TAKEN AWAY from the vast majority of Americans and replaced with nothing but an ‘American Nightmare’.

They know we did not do this to ourselves, and they know what the REAL cause of that truth is…

This ‘American nightmare’ was intended and created by them for the purpose of making us no longer independent and strong, but so fearfully insecure and dependent only on them as a cheap labor source.

This was ALL a result of a corrupt, carefully planned agenda that has taken place gradually over several decades, until it really took off in the ’80s and ’90s. And since 2000, the speed of their corrupt agenda has broken the sound barrier and beyond, in ECLIPSING CAPITALISM.

The egalitarian, ‘community marketplace’ oriented system of ‘democratic capitalism’ our forefathers intended was a free market that used a reasonable amount of government oversight to ensure that such giant, uber-wealthy monopolies DID NOT DEVOUR that free market for themselves, and ensured equal opportunity for ALL Americans in their respective communities across our nation to operate in that market, with a BIG part of such ‘freedom’ having to do with Americans’ INDEPENDENT ability to control their own means of production.

The corrupt agenda that was crafted by the 1%, has at its very core the absolute opposite desire for two main reasons. The first reason obviously is their unbridled greed for profit that far exceeds any morals or ethics toward humanity or Mother Earth and the environment. Humanity at large, the 99% of Americans and Mother Earth are predominantly seen by them as ‘commodities’ to be exploited for profit first and foremost.

The second reason is of course their natural FEAR of you and I as the 99%, NOT being subject to their control, because maintaining their power and maintaining their unreasonably dominating, uber wealth, and maintaining their designs on controlling the world in their interests only…All of that DEPENDS ENTIRELY on preventing working class Americans from controlling our own means of production. All of that depends entirely on preventing us from being INDEPENDENT and SELF SUFFICIENT, like the free market system our forefathers intended capitalism to be.

The 1% know very well that it was their corrupt predatory agenda and design that caused this current economic destitution for the rest of us, as they quietly replaced capitalism with something that is MUCH WORSE than socialism, that being what we are witnessing with the monoplized, ANTI free market system of ‘CORPORATISM’.

The irony of the TRILLIONS of dollars of CORPORATE SOCIALISM that they have demanded in tax payer bailouts for themselves, especially during the financial collapse and the Great Recession of 2008 that THEY actually caused with their corrupt credit derivative gaming of the system…

And more recently NOW using this pandemic as an excuse for TRILLIONS MORE in corporate welfare bailouts at tax payers expense…That irony is almost beyond comprehension in how antithetical such actions are to the fundamentals of a true free market!

It is further mind blowing and beyond shameful, as we see how such corrupt, predatory corporatism has succeeded in buying off the vast majority of our politicians who, instead of having the backs of ‘we the people’, have dutifully looked the other way for decades now, solely on behalf of these elite 1%.

Our corrupt elected officials have intentionally ignored ALL of the antitrust laws on the books, taking these monopoly corporations’ lucrative and unlimited campaign contributions, and have betrayed ‘we the people’ by enabling every move of these predatory mega-corporations for decades now!

What I am calling for here has the potential of UNITING all working class Americans, whether they be Liberals, Moderates or Conservatives…Whether they be staunch Trump supporters or die hard anti-Trump advocates.

For example…I am, as many of you know, the farthest thing from a Trump supporter. There is NO HONEST ARGUMENT that could deny that he is BY FAR the most corrupt, dishonest and unethical person we have ever elected to the highest office of our land.

I could begin to write a long list of examples here to prove that fact, but I am trying to keep this a bit more brief.

To remind you of just one of a long list of such damning examples, don’t forget this is a man who has often BRAGGED about his common practice of screwing the small business contractors he hired to work on all of his properties by REFUSING TO PAY THEM, and admittedly wanting to force them instead to take him to court, so he could hopefully settle for a fraction of what he really owed them.

Now, many Trump supporters will continue to twist themselves into a ‘political pretzel’ in an effort to rationalize and justify all of Trump’s corrupt, fraudulent life history as a predatory ‘player’ among those I have described above. And when they do that, they do themselves and all Americans a great disservice.

But as I’ve said before, there is some truth to the fact that as corrupt as he is, Trump is like a ‘broken clock’…Although a broken clock can’t be trusted to tell the correct time anymore, it ironically is technically correct TWICE A DAY…

Point being, Trump is correct in his positions of :

1.) Holding China to the flame on all of the clear and present threats they actively pose to America, including their corrupt culpability behind the spread of this bat related ‘coronavirus’, and including the massive trade imbalance between our two nations that enabled the 1% to implement a big part of their unAmerican corrupt agenda, involving the ‘outsourcing’ of tens of millions of American jobs overseas.

And 2.) He is correct in his common sense understanding that fundamentally, as a free market democracy, and precisely because we are the OPPOSITE of a totalitarian communist dictatorship like China, we CANNOT SHUT DOWN our economy and the entire country, and forcibly take away most Americans’ entire livelihoods, every time there is a flu-like virus that could conceivably result in loss of life comparable to what we experience regularly during periodic harsh flu seasons.

I have been writing for some time now, since the beginning of all of this ‘PANIC-DEMIC’ mainstream media coronavirus coverage, and since the disturbing massive overreach by Liberal politicians, as they have sought more and more control of our basic civil liberties, frequently telling us that this is our ‘new normal’…since the beginning of all of this I have been writing that both the media and these Liberal, blue state politicians are acting largely in the interest of the mega-corporate elites who own 90% or more of the mainstream media, and who have at the root of their agenda a greed driven PARTNERSHIP with ALL THINGS CHINA!

This is why the mainstream media’s frequent dishonesty and false narrative has as much to do with LIES OF OMISSION in what they ignore and refuse to report that would ease your fears, as it has to do with their blatant fear-mongering HYPE that dishonestly inflates the fatality rate and danger of this coronavirus, when so many experts now have been bringing forth the large amount of evidence and data from random sample testing around the country, that proves this virus is no more deadly than a harsh flu season.(See my May 2020 Edition of “The Connie Bryan Show” for clips from those leading doctors/epidemiologists at the top of the show that I put together in a short montage…You can find the show on my Youtube channel or on my website at conniebryan.com.)

We can unite together as Americans, no matter what party affiliation we are, in waking up to the corrupt mega-corporate 1% agenda behind all of this, but we need to do it soon, before it is too late.

In closing, I want to give you a quick, easily understood analogy of what has happened to the ‘capitalism’ that our forefathers intended…

As I said above, so many ass kissing puppets for the 1% who you see every day featured on CNBC or Bloomberg News, love to TALK out of their ass about how government needs to just ‘LET THE MARKET RUN FREE’ with little to no regulation, and it needs to stop giving money to the working class, because that means we are becoming a ‘socialist nation’. (Again, they hypocritically overlook all the corporate socialism/welfare/subsidies they demand in tax payer dollars all the time.)

So in closing, my analogy is this…We should look at the capitalist ‘free market’ system as a ZOO…

What do we find when we take our children to the zoo? WILD ANIMALS of course. So my analogy here is that in our capitalist, free market system, businesses are analogous to wild animals, and as such they must be assumed to have a wild animal nature…with CORPORATIONS being of the MOST concern, in that ‘wild animal nature’ aspect.

Now, would you feel comfortable taking your kids to experience and interact with the WILD ANIMALS at the zoo if they were running free with no reasonable containment of their ‘primal nature’?


Just as important, would the zookeeper be ethical and responsible if she or he did not reasonably ensure the ‘balance of cohabitation’ for ALL of the species of wild animals who lived in the zoo’s community?


So in a nutshell, capitalism is like that zoo. The zookeeper (the government, i.e. our elected representatives) must be an ethical, trustworthy ‘watchdog’ as it were, and must have the obvious foresight to make sure that the wild animals are reasonably regulated in order to protect the balance of the whole system for ALL CONCERNED, and not just serve the interest of the LIONS,TIGERS, BEARS, SILVERBACK GORILLAS and BOA CONSTRICTOR PYTHONS, as they monopolize and devour all of the other animals.

Put even more concisely, WE THE PEOPLE as the 99%, we have forgotten that we have the power…The constitution guarantees it from the very first line ‘We the People of the United States’…It doesn’t say ‘We the CORPORATIONS’…

And it is time NOW, for us to rise up together, use that power, and TAKE OFF OUR LEASHES (or our cloth masks, a psychological leash) and instead PUT THOSE LEASHES ON THE 1% WHERE THEY HAVE ALWAYS BELONGED!

The 1% is behind all of this unnecessary panic and fear, created by their dutiful left wing media and politicians for an agenda of growing social control of our society. A big part of the reason for that agenda is due to their fear of the greater power that they know we have as ‘we the people’. They are desperate to protect their corrupt achieved wealth and power.

In that desperation, part of their agenda is to destroy not only our ability to create small businesses and provide for ourselves, but more specifically of late, they are manufacturing unnecessary panic around Covid-19 to make Americans so fearful of each other that we become afraid to socialize, and more importantly, afraid to organize together in our own self interest.

The time to wake up and stand up together against this unAmerican, ‘artificial intelligence’ obsessed, mega-corporation agenda is NOW. Now more than ever, it is clear that we need more voices speaking out together en masse about this.

The last thing I’d like to add is just that I have noticed that Big Tech appears more and more to be actively ‘de-prioritizing’ this kind of speaking ‘truth to power’ content on social media, making such content harder for others to find, where they would normally see it if it was a picture of someone’s cat doing a funny trick, etc.

So help me spread the word, and chime in as much as you can with your own voice. If we don’t stand up soon to take back the American Dream, at a certain point it will become too late, and we will remain in an American Nightmare, hopelessly in servitude and dependence on these monopoly corporations, just as their predatory, “A.I.” Big Tech agenda has intended all along.

This is not the free market capitalism our forefathers intended for us…You know this deep in your heart. In the interest of our children and our grandchildren, we have to rise up together, and put the leashes where they have always belonged, on the 1% and these monopoly corporations behind all of this.

Connie Bryan

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer and host of “The Connie Bryan Show” airing in 14 cable markets nationwide including Washington D.C.  Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/conniebryan.)


Yet Another World Renown Epidemiologist Confirming Covid-19 Death Rate Comparable to the Flu, as I have Said From the Start

Many people have become so conditioned by the HYPE in the ‘reality show media’ dishonestly characterizing the coronavirus, that when they read actual facts showing this virus is NOT the ‘killer plague’ the media made it out to be, they erroneously think we are somehow irresponsibly saying you don’t need to be cautious (??) That is absurd, and it is obviously not at all what people like myself are saying.

The point is that more and more facts and data are coming out that proves what I and many others have been saying all along (like Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford) that the coronavirus simply has a fatality rate similar to and possibly even lower than seasonal flu…(See my May 2020 video episode of “The Connie Bryan Show” on my website or on Youtube, which begins with their video clips stating this fact)

Now, of course we should be reasonably cautious about Covid-19, just as we are reasonably cautious about the FLU…key word being “REASONABLY”.

This is why I am dedicating a lot of time writing these articles and sharing them, and talking about this regularly on my monthly cable TV show…Because the lies in the media have been so inexcusable around this ‘coronavirus’ issue. They have been largely crafted to create a specific ‘false perception’, for a specific political and social control agenda, and have not just been about REASONABLE caution at all.

They have been largely a false narrative with a dishonest, grossly inflated case fatality rate, that has unnecessarily caused worldwide panic and economic destruction that was never even remotely justified.

Again, that is not ‘reasonable caution’, that is deceptive manipulation.

And when I think about how all of that unnecessary dishonest hype and fear-mongering about this flu-like virus has NEEDLESSLY affected not just the average American adult, but especially little children psychologically over the last couple of months, it makes me angry beyond what words can describe.

But now we have yet another highly respected, world renown epidemiologist out of Sweden by the name of Dr. Johan Giesecke M.D., confirming everything I have said from the beginning…

He is a retired chief scientist of the European CDC, and is also currently an advisor to the Director General of the W.H.O., and he has recently begun speaking out about how wrong the lockdowns have been, and how Sweden used caution but DID NOT use forced lockdowns (unreasonable caution), and how comparably overall, they did surprisingly well using that approach, with the exception of his admitting that they should have taken stronger, specific measures to protect their ‘AT RISK’ and vulnerable elderly population in their many elder care facilities in Sweden .

Dr. Giesecke makes it clear that the virus is nothing more than comparable to the seasonal flu.

He stresses the point, just as I have for some time now, that as more and more ‘serological’ random testing for antibodies is done, it will continue to prove that the numbers of people who contracted the virus and RECOVERED ALREADY will be VASTLY HIGHER than just the much smaller known cases documented from those who sought treatment at medical facilities and hospitals, and therefore will accurately prove the TRUE CASE FATALITY RATE to be EXPONENTIALLY LOWER, similar to the influenza virus.

Speaking of which, there are a growing number of serious concerns coming to light regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci that I wrote about in two previous articles, and will be writing more about very soon.  But one of the huge inconsistencies that I came across involved Dr. Fauci’s scientific article he wrote, dated March 26th of this year (2020) in the New England Journal of Medicine, in which he himself stated what Dr. Giesecke has now gone public saying…

Dr. Fauci wrote in that article that once you take into account the likely much larger numbers of ‘asymptomatic’ people nationwide who have had the virus and recovered, he said that the ‘fatality rate’ would be on the order of the FLU! Yet, both before and after writing that article, Fauci had been and continued to consistently say the OPPOSITE to the public in his regular media appearances, that it was TEN TIMES DEADLIER than the flu.

Why would he do such a thing? He wouldn’t say such a thing in his scientific article, which he knows would be scrutinized and peer reviewed by other knowledgeable scientists and experts like Dr. Giesecke, Dr. Ioannidis and Dr. Bhattacharya, just to name a few.

But, he could get away with saying such a thing in the mainstream media. It certainly ‘FIT THEIR SCRIPT’…It fit the ‘PANIC-DEMIC’ narrative the media has shamefully perpetuated around Covid-19 from the start.

Yet, just the opposite, Fauci went out of his way to greatly DOWNPLAY the death rate of Covid-19 for his colleagues in the article, comparing it only to the seasonal flu. (I guess medical journal publications’ ratings don’t depend as much on ‘hype’)

Do you suppose Dr. Fauci could easily guess that for the vast majority of you, the “New England Journal of Medicine” is probably NOT high on your list of popular reading?

By the way, did you know that over the last 6 years, Dr. Fauci specifically FUNDED the bat related coronavirus research that was going on at the Chinese Wuhan lab, with two federal grants to the total of 7.4 million dollars? Did you know he initiated the first grant in 2014 despite President OBama’s having ordered a federal moratorium on such dangerous and controversial ‘virus enhancement research’?

Yes it is true, and very disturbing to say the least. I wrote about this in one of my other recent articles on Dr. Fauci, so I hope you will look for that on my editorial blog and check it out.

In closing, my point is the public has been DELIBERATELY LIED to by the mainstream media through all of this, by those who have a specific agenda to reshape our society in ways that are a huge threat to our precious civil liberties. When I say that we have been lied to, I am not saying that there isn’t a newly developed strain of coronavirus that we could find ourselves exposed to.

I am saying the dishonest ‘reality show media’ has falsely characterized it as a ‘killer plague’, in order to paralyze the world with fear for a specific agenda of political and social control, when all the top experts, including even the CDC and the W.H.O. have said all along that the vast majority of people who catch the virus will have mild symptoms of the flu or a cold, and most won’t even know they had it!

The truths I have been exposing in all of my writing and coverage on my monthly cable show has NEVER had anything to do with not taking REASONABLE caution. But reasonable caution is NOT shutting the country down, and refusing to be around other people at a reasonable distance.

Once again, to be clear here…Reasonable caution in a free democracy is NOT forcibly taking away people’s livelihoods and freedoms, etc, when from the beginning we had the top medical experts including the CDC stating that the vast majority would have ‘mild flu symptoms’ at most, and they knew from the start who the ‘AT RISK’ groups were that we needed to focus on, if there was to be any isolating measures taken.

Once again, since the media has tried to keep these facts from you, I’ve made it easy for you to see and hear a brief montage of clips from Dr. Giesecke from Sweden, as well as Professor of Medicine Dr. Ioannidis and Dr. Bhattacharya at Stanford University…Just look up my May 2020 video episode of “The Connie Bryan Show” on my website at conniebryan.com or on Youtube/conniebryan.

Connie Bryan

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer and host of “The Connie Bryan Show” airing in 14 cable markets nationwide including Washington D.C.  Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her channel at Youtube/ConnieBryan)




Corrupt Corporate & Media Agenda Behind Coronavirus HYPE Causing Many Americans to Begin to WAKE UP

Many of us across our nation today are finally beginning to wake up as a result of seeing this obvious mind-blowing level of artificially manufactured fear the ‘authorities’ and the media have jointly created and are trying to sustain around this flu-like ‘coronavirus’.

As you are now waking up to this fact, you are beginning to ask the big question “WHAT CAN WE DO?”… “IS IT TOO LATE TO STOP THEM?”…”CAN WE GET OUR AMERICAN DREAM BACK?”

The answer is it is not too late. We CAN get our American Dream back. But we have to have the courage our forefathers had, to stand up together in solidarity…We have to stand up and change the system.

Fundamental to that revolutionary change is that we have to demand that the PRIORITY BE RETURNED, AS THE U.S. CONSTITUTION INTENDED, TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND SMALL BUSINESSES.

The Constitution begins with the proclamation: “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…”

If our forefathers had intended this sick system we see today, profiting at the EXPENSE and to the DETRIMENT of ‘We the People’, they would have worded it that way and it would have said: “We the CORPORATIONS of the United States, in order to form a more CORRUPT Union…”

As a result of the constant hyping and false inflating of the fatality rate of Covid-19 we are learning more and more about, and all the sustained scare tactics around all of this being used to tell us that we are entering some ‘NEW NORMAL’ that clearly threatens our freedom, independence and civil liberties like never before, the GOOD NEWS is that you and many of your fellow Americans are beginning to wake up now, and it is a rude awakening to say the least!

Many are now fully opening their eyes to the threat that the common American citizen has been under from the agenda of a corrupt, elite ‘CORPORATE MONOPOLY SYSTEM’…

It is not a system of democratic, reasonably regulated capitalism…It is a corrupt bastardization of that…It is a predatory CORPORATISM that our forefathers never intended our free enterprise democracy to become…

It is a predatory monopolizing system of MEGA CORPORATIONS that have systematically bought off our elected representatives, and that have been intentionally and strategically destroying access to the American Dream for the common working class American citizen, for the sole purpose of keeping us unable to provide for our own means of production anymore, and therefore keeping us fearfully dependent on THEM…

Many of us are now awakening to the realization of this anti-democratic, unAmerican corporate agenda that has deceived us and sought to exploit us in an unconscionable way.

Many of you are starting to realize that you have lost sight of what has REAL VALUE IN LIFE…that the real value of being human IS found in the daily personal connections, social interactions and community sustaining small business transactions in the local ‘village square marketplace’ as it were…

The real value of being human is in NOT being so ruled by unreasonable fear over a flu-like virus that we shun one another, see our fellow man almost like ‘walkers’ from “The Walking Dead”, and think we must hide in our homes, only socializing with our family or closest friends.

Many of you are at last realizing that it is time for you to STOP participating in, or at least ‘looking the other way’ while this system has been aggressively destroying small community ‘mom and pop’ businesses like they were some evil, communist threat to our nation, when the opposite is in fact the case!

More Americans than ever before are finally starting to see that the ‘artificial intelligence’ emphasis and obsession behind this Big Tech and Big Box corporate agenda is NOT WHAT HAS REAL VALUE.

People are starting to realize how that ‘artificial intelligence’ agenda that is being used to destroy as many American jobs as possible in the interest of the priority of more profits for those mega-corporations and 1% stockholders – how that is DEVALUING THE HUMAN ELEMENT, and DEVALUING COMMUNITY.

There is a solution. We cannot hit the snooze alarm and fall back into our addiction of continuing to order everything we buy from Amazon and Wal-Mart, or seek to work for and enable such community business destroying mega corporations, and think that their ‘agenda’ has our interest at heart.

Those who act and think in such a sick way are a GIANT PART of the problem…

They are the weak ‘sheep’ I often refer to that these predatory corporations are counting on…They are those fragile Americans who do not have any courage, who want to be protected and provided for by ‘the system’, and who want to conform to a ‘flock’ of like-minded other sheep.

This might be our last opportunity, and we have to have the courage to seize it now before it becomes too late. We need to do this now, not just for ourselves, but for our children and our grandchildren.

It is time for an American Citizen’s Revolution to take our country back from the mega corporations that have deceived us, and while bribing our shamefully corrupt elected representatives, have sought to take The American Dream from us in the process, and monopolize it all for themselves!

In addition to buying off shamefully corrupt politicians who should have had our backs, these predatory monopolizing mega-corporations were allowed by those same corrupt politicians to buy up most of the mainstream media outlets back in the mid 90s.

There used to be laws that prevented such monopolizing media conglomerates in the hands of such a few elite corporations. But this was one of the biproducts of their buying off our elected representatives.

Those corrupted politicians who have been in their pockets have looked the other way instead of enforcing the ANTITRUST and ANTI MONOPOLY laws to stop such an egregious clear and present threat to the American Dream for the average American small business owner…

And they have also dutifully CHANGED the laws at the order of these mega-corporations that prevented mass media ownership in the hands of an elite few, so that these predatory mega corporations could deceptively control the ‘narrative’ in the ‘news media’ that is most accessible to the masses.

Amazon and Wal-Mart DO NOT have your interest at heart. Both of those companies are notorious for their absolute planned intention to systematically destroy community small businesses. (Read the book by Greg Spotts “WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price” for one of many fantastic sources on Wal-Mart)

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has told his stock holders that he has enough money to sustain taking many years of losses in order to ‘undercut’ all other competitors, and put them out of business, so Amazon will ultimately have no competitors and will control the marketplace.

I have been writing and talking about this threat in our country for many years now, not just in my editorial articles, but also on my current monthly cable access TV show, and regularly discussing it on my talk radio show back in Florida in the late 1990’s.

Due to the shocking level of dishonest hype and social control overreach you are starting to see around the coronavirus, and how it is being used to further this agenda, many of you are now beginning to realize these truths…

It’s time for those of us who are awake to turn the volume of the alarm clock up, and let our voices be heard in raising awareness to others about how UNAMERICAN all of this is…

About how big of a threat this artificial, germaphobic, social distancing agenda is to a ‘PEOPLE PRIORITIZED’, COMMUNITY & SOCIALLY ORIENTED way of life…

A way of life that, instead of empowering only the elite 1% behind these mega corporations, it empowers ‘We the People’, because it has REAL HUMAN VALUE as our forefathers intended.

Are you with me in changing the system now?

If so, at a minimum, please help by sharing this article with others, because it does appear now more than ever that Google and Youtube are aggressively de-prioritizing content from many like myself who have been steadfastly writing, speaking and producing video content on these critical ‘truth to power’ topics to expose this anti-American agenda.

Connie Bryan

(Connie Bryan is a writer in Sacramento, CA…She is also the producer and host of “The Connie Bryan Show” airing in 14 cable markets nationwide, including Washington D.C.  Check out all of her material on her website and blog at conniebryan.com, or subscribe to her videos on demand at Youtube/conniebryan.)
